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Festival Terms and Conditions

Festival Terms and Conditions – 4 Days International Sound Healing Festival North Goa India

  • By purchasing your International Sound Healing Festival ticket and collecting your wristband from our Registration Desk, you accept the following Terms & Conditions:
  • All fees are per individual / per registration for the festival, We can’t modify/discount on residential packages for partial stay or participation.
  • About Food During Festival – During 4 days of Festival Love Temple will serve Breakfast-lunch-Dinner with Healthy non spicy vegetarian food and we can’t handle changes in food demands of students as our participants comes from 90+ countries, anyone who want daily extra special food demand can choose to join Festival without food and eat and nearby restaurants.
  • About accommodation & Types Of Rooms Choice – Festival Team Suggest all participants to directly contact our accommodation partners confirm and choose room type accommodation, our team won’t be able to help & there is no guarantee of room types/preferences during festival. Since festival is on Most Peak Time of the Year, accommodation will be as per availability.
  • No smoking & no alcohol intake during Festival -We strictly mention all students during training no smoking, No Drugs & no alcohol intake during Festival, in case our team find out anybody consume alcohol then Festival Hold rights to take participant of the Workshop.
  • We will try our best to accommodate all the requests.
  • Self-Responsibility & Caution: International Sound Healing Festival and its representatives shall be not held liable for any injury, damage, loss, or irregularity that may be occasioned for any reason by guests attending the International Sound Healing Festival, including but not limited to: death, injury, illness, delay or cancellation of confirming scheduled event performances and loss of or damage to personal property.
  • About Photos & Video During Festival -All participants grant the International Sound Healing Festival the rights to utilize the participant’s image and actions in any live or recorded audio, video, film, photographic display, another transmission, exhibition, publication or reproduction made of in the event in any medium or context for any purposes, including commercial or promotional use, without further authorization or compensation.