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REFUND AND TRANSFER POLICY – International Sound Healing Festival Goa 2023

There are NO REFUNDS for passes or Tickets if purchased already.

– No refunds are possible on fees for cash, cheque, bank transfers or money orders. *


  1. Participants must wear a wristband throughout the International Sound Healing Festival. The management has the right to prohibit anyone without a wristband from accessing the festival venues.
  2. No Alcohol & No Smoking in the festival area is prohibited. Festival aim is to create a safe atmosphere for an authentic meeting, personal development and transformative practice. Which mean that all participants must not consume or be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any type of legal High during festival.
  3. As a Participants you are solely responsible for your personal belongings at all times; neither the organizer nor the under-Premises License Holder will be responsible for any loss and issue, theft or damage of participant’s belongings during the festival in any festival venue.
  4. The line-up and schedule are always subject to change.


Exceptional Case When you can cancel your Ticket

We expect you to cancel your participation if you, close to the join the festival or during the festival if you have a valid reason that you are carrying a contagious virus, symptoms of for example, stomach flu, influenza or COVID-19 here or diseases that may cause an immediate health risk for other participants.